Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Bean Sprout

Jason & I are excited to announce that a tiny little bean sprout has been making changes in our lives lately. We are so happy to finally scream...WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!! Yes we have known for a while but the secret has been itching to come out so there you have it. Whew...what a relief to let that out! :)

Baby Beasley has already been showing us a sign of it's determination and we have had three ultrasounds and heard a strong little flutter. I can't wait until my next appointment to hear just how strong my little bean has gotten. We are 8 weeks and due May 27th. I have to say I am super excited that I will not be pregnant in July & August. I have been feeling GREAT and have not really shown any signs of those first trimester hiccups you hear about. I am knocking on wood right this moment I don't want to jinx us. Jason has been glowing since he has been able to share our news. I asked Scott, our neighbor, last night how Jason told him he said his eyes got huge then he said "I am going to be a daddy!" As you can tell we are super excited!!! We tried to hold it all in until 12 weeks but in this small town it's just to hard and we want to share, share, share!!!

As many of you know I already have one very sweet handsome boy that I adore. If you have not met him I am sure you have heard me talk about him. I call him my little white angel sent from heaven straight to his mothers arms, Luke! He is adjusting to all the excitement around him and he is going to be the BEST big brother. He already love babies so I know he will love this one. I have been trying for a long time to get him ready for this day. His favorite little booger is Neil. He LOVES Neil!! (Ashley & Rodney Hancock's Little One) He has yet to meet Lyla but I know he will love her too. Sooo big changes to come in the Beasley house for me, Jason, and Luke but we are ready!

I attached some ultrasound pictures for you to see below. You can see just how little the baby is and how much it grew in a week. That might be the most shocking to me. I have been trying to read, read, read up on stuff but there is so much out there. I have honestly been bouncing stuff off Tiffany Wallace as she is due in December and has already read most things. Thank god for Tiffany right now. :) Thank you T!

I will try to do my best at keeping up with this site so we can share all our exciting news. We don't want Aunt Emily, Uncle Jay, or Aunt Jennifer to miss a thing!! We love you!! Please keep us in your prayers as we add on this special little addition to our lives.

First Ultrasound: Monday, September 28th (5 weeks)

Second Ultrasound: Thursday, October 1st (6 weeks / Day one of 6 weeks)

Thrid Ultrasound: Tuesday, October 6th (6 1/2 weeks)

So no on the last one that is NOT two babies. There is only one in there I promise!!! :)

Time flies when you're having fun!!

Wow, it's already been a year! On Tuesday, October 6th Jason & I celebrated our first year of marital bliss. It's been amazing and we have loved every minute of it!

To celebrate we took a trip down to Fripp Island this weekend for a little piece and quite. THANK YOU JENNIFER & LARRY!!! It was like heaven down there. Jason enjoyed looking at all the deer and wishing just for a minute he could have brought his gun! They seriously were everywhere. We also signed up for a Pub Crawl which was highly entertaining. We took a trip around the world right there on Fripp visiting Mexico, USA, Japan, Ireland, and Germany. It was a great way to kick off year #2!

Happy Anniversary Jason! I love you!