Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been a while....

Sorry to all my followers but it has been too long since we have blogged but we have been BUSY!!! Our sweet girl arrived on May 13th and is 11 weeks now. She is the best baby and has stolen all of our hearts. Today she went to church for the first time and slept the whole time. Here is our sweet sweet angel....Stella Rebecca Beasley.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke is ready....

Luke has been preparing for Baby Beasley just has Jason and I have. Here is a picture of his new favorite place to hang out.....

I think he is going to be a protector. Lately when we get ready to go to bed he runs into the baby's room and hops on the bed. He knows this room is for someone real special that both mommy and daddy are excited about. I think this might just be his new bed. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Beasley's Nursery

We are ready for Baby Beasley!
Here is sneak peak at what our little monkey will come home to....

And, thanks to many of you we have stocked up on plenty of diapers & wipes to help us with the first few weeks!

Little one we can't wait to meet you!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I see you...

Well hello there little one!
If you look closely you can see a little face staring at you...two eyes, a nose, and mouth. WOW technology is awesome!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well we had our 30 week visit today and unlike all other appointments this time this one had bells ringing....

Two weeks ago at my 28 week appointment I had asked several questions about the babies movement. I was told to start "kick count" which I said will not be possible b/c this baby is to laid back to get all that moving going on (just like his or her daddy). I have said since day one that I don't feel a lot of movement. The doctor assured me all was fine and even did an ultrasound to prove that Baby Beasley is moving. He and the ultrasound tech agreed I am just not feeling it b/c of where the baby was positioned. He explained why I felt low movement good enough that my mom and I were comfy with the explanation and went on our way.

Now, today I am on to a new doctor and a new story. I checked in as normal...urine (check), blood (check), blood pressure (check), weight (check), measuring (check), and heart beat (check). All great now to just hear from the doctor then on my way. The doctor today was extremely concerned about Baby Beasleys lack of movement and what I was feeling and stressed that this was or could be an issue. Seeing as I have had no problems I was all alone and could feel my tears building up. He wanted to start running some test to make sure all was good so back to the ultrasound room I went crying. I am sure this did not ease other mothers sitting in the waiting room, sorry. When BB came up on the screen I saw a hand opening and closing as if Baby Beasley was waving to me saying, I am good momma. So I cried some more. There was even what looked to be a curl on top of his or her head. (Jason's hair for sure if it's a curl) They measured little one again and we all could see that Baby Beasley is moving I am just for some reason not able to feel it as often. So we stopped there and they let me come home. I have to go back next week for a follow up. Please say a prayer that my little sweet pea is healthy and happy in there. I think s/he is just laid back like daddy and just hanging out until the big day. :) Oh and BB has turned and it good position - no more breech! Yippee!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The big 3-0!

Today marks the big 3-0!!! We are on the 10 week count down until we get to meet this busy little bee. HOW EXCITING!!!! :)

Jason and I had our maternity tour on Monday at the hospital and I learned a lot. I thought it would be more beneficial for Jason but come to find out they had a lot to tell moms. We got to look at where we would be having Baby Beasley and understand the whole process, meet the nurses, and see the nursery. Clearly with all the detail they gave us my face starting showing the "scared look" the tour guide stopped and asked me "Honey, Are you nervous?" my reply "Not today but when you see me next time, YES!" What kind of question is that? Nervous she just said we could be in labor (hard labor) for mayeb 24 hours or more. Who would be comfy with that statement? So I am pushing my lack of pain tolerance into another place and going to find some better thoughts for the moment. :)

Update on the nursery....the dresser is in and looks BEAUTIFUL. It's really starting to come together. Mom & I (well mom & Jason) hung curtains this weekend. I watched and learned just how hard plaster walls really are. I will hopefully get some pictures soon to update the blog of our progress.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Mr. Allergy...

Dear Mr. Allergy,
I am writting to inform you that neither I or mom are enjoying your stay and wish you to move on this weekend. Mother now has a bruised, punctured, or broken rib do to the sneezing fits you send her on. Please see to it that you get us better in a hurry because we have baby showers, weddings, and 1st birthdays to attend this weekend.
Sincerly, Baby Beasley

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Celebrating our very own....Dancing Queen Today!

Yep you guessed it we have our very own
dancing queen in this family.
Joyce, You are the dancing queen,
young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen!
Happy Birthday Dancing Queen! We love you and hope you have a great day!

3rd Trimester - Baby Beasley

Busy Baby Beasley is growing right along...we have reached our 3rd and final trimester!!! I think this one might be the real kicker. I am 28 weeks and can already tell a huge difference in my body. Sleeping is now a luxury which happens on the rare occasion I can find a spot to get comfy. Ashley came to town this weekend and brought me this wonder pillow that fits perfectly to my body and has been helpful but lately when I get out of bed I come back to find someone else hugged up to it. :) Jason and Luke are trying to be real troopers with all my tossing in turning. I am sure I annoy them about 100 times a night but they don't complain (thank goodness).

Here is an updated picture at 28 weeks.

I had my 28 week appointment yesterday along with my sugar test and passed with flying colors! The doctors took another look at Baby Beasley because I don't feel a lot of movement and all was good. Mom went with me and got to see Baby Beasley for the first time. They assured me in time I would feel all the punches and kicks like everyone else. Baby Beasley has moved but is still breech. I start my 2 week appointments now so we will have many more updates on progress.

Babies, Babies, Babies

We have BIG news....Baby Beasley is getting a cousin! We could not be happier. Jennifer & Larry are expecting a sweet little bundle of joy due September 16th. Jennifer came to town this weekend with 12 week ultrasound pictures and Baby Marchant looks perfect! I tell you what soon-to-be grands Joyce and Andy are going to be BUSY this year!! :)

Cheers to babies....Jennifer 12 weeks / Caroline 28 weeks!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Construction Zone

Baby Beasleys room is now under construction. Thursday evening our carpet came in nicely bound and delivered. We are so thankful to our soon to be grands Joyce & Andy for cushioning our feet for when we start our many nightly walks in, out, and around in there.

Friday...Mom, Emily, and I headed off to Charlotte to do some baby shopping. We spead out of Hartsville early, well as early as Benson girls can get off. It was nice to have a little girl time and have mom and Emily there to help me weed out things. We kicked off our adventure with the Tot Trade in Concord. It was a small let down since we don't actually have a baby yet and most it was clothes. So we moved on to Ikea. Mom's new heaven. :) We spent hours there in amazement at how much stuff one store can have. We were able to purchase a crib for moms house so that was a success! We dined late after a day on our feet and then rested up for a new day of shopping.

Saturday...the journey for the dresser got serious. We found a store in Charlotte that had just what we needed, however we (mom and I) were not as ready as we thought. Emily on the other hand was ready to sign, seal, and deliver. :) I got the information I needed and came home to re-measure, re-think, and re-do about all my thoughts before realizing that was the best thing for Baby Beasley.

So today it's Monday and I have called back and ordered the dresser. Yippee!!! It should arrive in 6 to 8 weeks. Cross your fingers for six so I don't have a late pregnancy break down waiting on it. It was a great weekend. Baby Beasley, Jason and I are very lucky to be loved so much.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow....

Hartsville had a record winter storm for Valentines day this year. It was pretty but we sure are looking forward to flip flop weather...SOON!!!

Our outside rocker covered in snow!

Our house the morning after.

Cousins Rock!!!

Well for Valentines Day we got a very special visitor!! Luke could not have been happier to see one of his favorite cousins, Tate. One of Luke & Tates favorite things to do is play chase. They had so much fun together. Here are some of the pictures I got of them. Woof, Woof, Woof!!!

Tate enjoying the snow remnants.

Luke about to make the attack.....

Run young tot....(air Tate)

In action...round and round they go


We love when our cousins come visit! Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come on....

There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you....

It's a day of celebration in the Benson family today. A very important man is having a birthday and we LOVE birthdays!!! What better way to celebrate him than with a song. This special man does love a good song and dance now. So sing and dance with me to wish him a very Happy Birthday......1, 2, 3


We love you so much Daddy...Happy Birthday!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Check us out.....24 weeks!!

Baby Beasley and I had our 24 week check up today and all looked great. I had a few hiccups with the nurse who was COMPLETELY disorganized and got me a little frazzled, however I was quickly able to find my regular doctor who got Miss Manic Monday (Nurse) right on track. Whew...thank you Dr. Browning.

BB and I are rotating doctors in the office so we get to know each one in case we break into labor when Dr. Browning is not around and today it was our turn to see Dr. Kolb. We had a great visit with her and she said BB was right on track. Heartbeat was good and strong and at a whooping 150. I had one concern about a cramp I have at times in my right side so we had a quick little ultrasound to make sure sweet pea was not trying to bust out anytime soon. Thank goodness that was not the case however BB was breech today and those are ten BUSY toes stomping around on my right side. A painful relief! :) I have my fingers crossed that we still have plenty of time to do some flips to get into a better position before "D" day. After a little reading on the internet I think we will be ok.

Oh...FYI: Jason and I completed our all day birthing class on Saturday at McLeod. Hopefully we will be able to remember all those little tricks Diane taught us. It was a long day but full of good information for both of us. We had fun learning, laughing, and being grossed out as a team. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cocktails or Mocktails.....

Cocktails for all - all except me that is! We were invited to a cocktail party for Liz Pennington this weekend and had a wonderful time!! It was fun dressing up and actually putting on heels for the first time in 21 weeks (however my feet where killing me by 11:30). OUCH!!! So since we got all dolled up we thought we would snap a few pictures......
Our 1st Family photo with Baby Beasley! :)
The Benson Kids...Lookin Good!

Congrats Liz & Robert!

Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin'......

All this Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin' about Baby Beasley
sure does make a boy tired!

Luke's Wish List.....Fulfilled!!!

Sorry this post is a little late. Luke as you can see had a great Christmas. Jo & Scott (our neighbors and owner of Luke girlfriend, Mac) fulfilled Luke Christmas wish list. He got a squirrel he can attack daily, pork skins, and dog treats!!! Boy is he rotten!!!

Thank you Jo, Scott, Cooper, & Mac!! Luke LOVES his squirrel!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1/2 way there baby.....

We have hit a milestone in pregnancy the BIG 20 weeks. Yippee!!!! We are now 1/2 way to meeting Baby Beasley!! We had our 20 week ultrasound done Monday and Jason got to see the baby for the first time and NO before you get to excited we did not cave and find out the sex. Baby Beasley is going to be surprise for all!!! :) The ultrasound tech said she "never" had anyone do this and was a bit nervous to find out herself b/c she was scared she would give it away during the ultrasound. We closed our eyes while she did a little investigation and then we got to see BB in action!! I still have not felt any movement so I was super excited to see what all was going on in there. They said not to worry b/c all of my fluid was in the front of my belly so I will probably not feel anything until 23 weeks. Baby Beasley looked happy, healthy, and very active in there....see pictures below.

Two tiny feet with 10 tiny toes...Baby Beasley crossed his or her ankles and played with those little toes for a large part of the ultrasound.
This is the back of Baby Beasleys can see the muscle and ankles crossed.
And yes oh yes I am afraid so we might just have us a little thumb sucker. Picking up mommas bad habits already! :)
Stretching can see the arm extended over the forehead. The profile was hard to get with all this hand and arm action.
FYI: Baby Beasley is a healthy 15 oz.

We had a great visit and Jason got the FULL experience of an OB office....ultrasound twice, blood work, doctors, nurses, and insurance I think we stopped at every room. I go back in 4 weeks for a check up then it's on to the sugar test which I am not looking forward to! We will keep you posted!!