Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke is ready....

Luke has been preparing for Baby Beasley just has Jason and I have. Here is a picture of his new favorite place to hang out.....

I think he is going to be a protector. Lately when we get ready to go to bed he runs into the baby's room and hops on the bed. He knows this room is for someone real special that both mommy and daddy are excited about. I think this might just be his new bed. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Beasley's Nursery

We are ready for Baby Beasley!
Here is sneak peak at what our little monkey will come home to....

And, thanks to many of you we have stocked up on plenty of diapers & wipes to help us with the first few weeks!

Little one we can't wait to meet you!!!