Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke is ready....

Luke has been preparing for Baby Beasley just has Jason and I have. Here is a picture of his new favorite place to hang out.....

I think he is going to be a protector. Lately when we get ready to go to bed he runs into the baby's room and hops on the bed. He knows this room is for someone real special that both mommy and daddy are excited about. I think this might just be his new bed. :)


  1. The nursery looks great and I am sure Luke will be a wonderful BIG brother :-) We are getting SO CLOSE to meeting Baby B!!!

  2. I sure hope Luke likes his new brother or sister. I am worried he might be protective of his mommy and dislike his new sibling b/c it requires a lot of mommy's time. No worries Luke, your grandma will accept you with open arms. Aunt Emmy would keep you but...Annie Frances said NO. I will see you Friday. Try to get excited. It's just going to be me. I know you'll be upset that your favorite Cain, Uncle Mike, won't be there but he will be sending you lots of love!
