Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been a while....

Sorry to all my followers but it has been too long since we have blogged but we have been BUSY!!! Our sweet girl arrived on May 13th and is 11 weeks now. She is the best baby and has stolen all of our hearts. Today she went to church for the first time and slept the whole time. Here is our sweet sweet angel....Stella Rebecca Beasley.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke is ready....

Luke has been preparing for Baby Beasley just has Jason and I have. Here is a picture of his new favorite place to hang out.....

I think he is going to be a protector. Lately when we get ready to go to bed he runs into the baby's room and hops on the bed. He knows this room is for someone real special that both mommy and daddy are excited about. I think this might just be his new bed. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Beasley's Nursery

We are ready for Baby Beasley!
Here is sneak peak at what our little monkey will come home to....

And, thanks to many of you we have stocked up on plenty of diapers & wipes to help us with the first few weeks!

Little one we can't wait to meet you!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I see you...

Well hello there little one!
If you look closely you can see a little face staring at you...two eyes, a nose, and mouth. WOW technology is awesome!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well we had our 30 week visit today and unlike all other appointments this time this one had bells ringing....

Two weeks ago at my 28 week appointment I had asked several questions about the babies movement. I was told to start "kick count" which I said will not be possible b/c this baby is to laid back to get all that moving going on (just like his or her daddy). I have said since day one that I don't feel a lot of movement. The doctor assured me all was fine and even did an ultrasound to prove that Baby Beasley is moving. He and the ultrasound tech agreed I am just not feeling it b/c of where the baby was positioned. He explained why I felt low movement good enough that my mom and I were comfy with the explanation and went on our way.

Now, today I am on to a new doctor and a new story. I checked in as normal...urine (check), blood (check), blood pressure (check), weight (check), measuring (check), and heart beat (check). All great now to just hear from the doctor then on my way. The doctor today was extremely concerned about Baby Beasleys lack of movement and what I was feeling and stressed that this was or could be an issue. Seeing as I have had no problems I was all alone and could feel my tears building up. He wanted to start running some test to make sure all was good so back to the ultrasound room I went crying. I am sure this did not ease other mothers sitting in the waiting room, sorry. When BB came up on the screen I saw a hand opening and closing as if Baby Beasley was waving to me saying, I am good momma. So I cried some more. There was even what looked to be a curl on top of his or her head. (Jason's hair for sure if it's a curl) They measured little one again and we all could see that Baby Beasley is moving I am just for some reason not able to feel it as often. So we stopped there and they let me come home. I have to go back next week for a follow up. Please say a prayer that my little sweet pea is healthy and happy in there. I think s/he is just laid back like daddy and just hanging out until the big day. :) Oh and BB has turned and it good position - no more breech! Yippee!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The big 3-0!

Today marks the big 3-0!!! We are on the 10 week count down until we get to meet this busy little bee. HOW EXCITING!!!! :)

Jason and I had our maternity tour on Monday at the hospital and I learned a lot. I thought it would be more beneficial for Jason but come to find out they had a lot to tell moms. We got to look at where we would be having Baby Beasley and understand the whole process, meet the nurses, and see the nursery. Clearly with all the detail they gave us my face starting showing the "scared look" the tour guide stopped and asked me "Honey, Are you nervous?" my reply "Not today but when you see me next time, YES!" What kind of question is that? Nervous she just said we could be in labor (hard labor) for mayeb 24 hours or more. Who would be comfy with that statement? So I am pushing my lack of pain tolerance into another place and going to find some better thoughts for the moment. :)

Update on the nursery....the dresser is in and looks BEAUTIFUL. It's really starting to come together. Mom & I (well mom & Jason) hung curtains this weekend. I watched and learned just how hard plaster walls really are. I will hopefully get some pictures soon to update the blog of our progress.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Mr. Allergy...

Dear Mr. Allergy,
I am writting to inform you that neither I or mom are enjoying your stay and wish you to move on this weekend. Mother now has a bruised, punctured, or broken rib do to the sneezing fits you send her on. Please see to it that you get us better in a hurry because we have baby showers, weddings, and 1st birthdays to attend this weekend.
Sincerly, Baby Beasley